Jaishankar dismissed the assertion made by the British newspaper that India is eliminating terrorists who sought sanctuary in Pakistan.

Over a dozen anti-India militant leaders have died in Pakistan in the last five years. Some of them were killed. Someone's 'mysterious death'. In almost every case, the finger of accusation is pointed towards 'RAW'

Leaders of anti-Indian militant organizations who have taken refuge in Pakistan are being silently ‘Responding’ by New Delhi! This was claimed in a report published in the British newspaper The Guardian on Thursday. On Friday, the Foreign Ministry directly rejected the British media’s claim. “Such allegations are completely false and malicious,” External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said on Friday.


Over half a dozen anti-India militant leaders have died in Pakistan in the last five years. Some of them were killed. Someone’s ‘mysterious death’. And in almost every case, the finger of accusation has been pointed at the Indian spy agency ‘RAW’ (Research and Analysis Wing). Lashkar-e-Taiba leader Akram Khan, Akram Ghazi, Andan Ahmed, Maulana Ziaur Rahman and Mufti Qaiser Farooq are among the militant leaders who have died on Pakistani soil in recent times.


26/11 Mumbai attack Lashkar leader Azam Cheema, Pak-occupied Kashmir Lashkar commander Riyaz Ahmed alias Abu Qasim, Pathankot attack mastermind, Jaish-e-Mohammed leader Shahid Latif, United Jihad Council (UGC) and Tehreek-ul-Mujahideen (TUM) general secretary of the militant group Sheikh Jamil-ur-Rehman, Hizbul Mujahideen commander Bashir Pir, one of the founders of Khalistan Liberation Force Lakhbir Singh Rode, Khalistan Commando Force chief Paramjit Singh Panjwar are also in this list.


According to the report published in the Guardian, since the 2019 Pulwama attack, the Israeli spy agency ‘Mossad’ has been trying to kill anti-Indian militant leaders who have taken refuge in foreign countries. The report also claims that so far more than 20 militants have been ‘targeted’ in New Delhi. However, the Ministry of External Affairs dismissed the allegations saying, “It is not India’s policy to carry out murderous operations on the soil of other countries.”


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